Using the Spyce request object, we can obtain
information sent along with the request. The
table below shows some request methods and their
return values. Use the form below to post form
data via GET or POST. <br>
[[-- input forms --]]
<form action="[[=request.uri('path')]]" method=get>
get: <input type=text name=name>
<input type=submit value=ok>
<form action="[[=request.uri('path')]]" method=post>
post: <input type=text name=name>
<input type=submit value=ok>
[[-- tabulate response information --]]
<table border=1>
<td><b>Return value</b></td>
[[ for method in ['uri()', 'uri("path")',
'uri("query")', 'method()','query()',
'get()','get1()', 'post()','post1()',
'getHeader()','env()', 'filename()']: {
<td valign=top>request.[[=method]]</td>
<td>[[=eval('request.%s' % method)]]</td>
[[ } ]]