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Documentation - Runtime

Prev: 3.11 - Programmatic Interface Up: 3.11 - Programmatic Interface Next: 3.11.1 - Passing parameters

3.11.1. Basic usage

For basic usage, the following arguments need to be understood:

  • request
    is an object derived from spyce.spyceRequest, denoting the current HTTP request.
  • response
    is an object derived from spyce.spyceResponse, denoting the HTTP response resulting from the invocation.
  • filename
    is the name of a file which contains spyce source code (it will be read, compiled, cached and executed when spyceFileHandler is called).
  • code
    is a string which contains spyce source code (it will be executed when spyceStringHandler is called).
    TODO: how is caching handled in this case?
  • config
    is an object which contains the configuration to be used. The normal usage is to have a configuration file which can be imported as a normal python module. The imported module then passed as conf.

Prev: 3.11 - Programmatic Interface Up: 3.11 - Programmatic Interface Next: 3.11.1 - Passing parameters

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