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3.5. Command line

The full command-line syntax is:

Spyce 2.1
Command-line usage:
  spyce -c [-o filename.html] <filename.spy>
  spyce -w <filename.spy>                <-- CGI
  spyce -O filename(s).spy               <-- batch process
  spyce -l [-d file ]                    <-- proxy server
  spyce -h | -v
    -h, -?, --help       display this help information
    -v, --version        display version
    -o, --output         send output to given file
    -O                   send outputs of multiple files to *.html
    -c, --compile        compile only; do not execute
    -w, --web            cgi mode: emit headers (or use run_spyceCGI.py)
    -q, --query          set QUERY_STRING environment variable
    -l, --listen         run in HTTP server mode
    -d, --daemon         run as a daemon process with given pidfile
    --conf [file]        Spyce configuration file
To configure Apache, please refer to: spyceApache.conf
For more details, refer to the documentation.
Send comments, suggestions and bug reports to <rimon-AT-acm.org>.

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