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Documentation - Install

Prev: 3.10.3 - CGI/FastCGI installation Up: 3.10 - Installation Next: 3.10.5 - Notes for Windows

3.10.4. Mod_Python

mod_python is primarily recommended if you cannot get FastCGI to work. (Some users have reported problems with FastCGI on Windows.)

Before you try to install Spyce, first get mod_python to work! You may have to compile from sources, and possibly do the same for Python. (See the documentation at: mod_python.)

To use Spyce via mod_python:

  • Copy the "Spyce via mod_python" lines from spyceApache.conf to your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, and replace the XXX with the appropriate path to your spyce installation.
  • Restart Apache

Prev: 3.10.3 - CGI/FastCGI installation Up: 3.10 - Installation Next: 3.10.5 - Notes for Windows

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