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Documentation - Install

Prev: 3.10.6 - Notes on RPM installation Up: 3.10 - Installation Next: 3.10.8 - Starting your first project

3.10.7. Notes on Apache integration

  • If you installed via RPM, Apache is configured to proxy .spy requests to the Spyce webserver. If you are running without the spyce standalone server, comment out those lines in httpd.conf (starting with "Spyce via proxy").
  • To avoid confusion, you may wish to change the "root" option in your spyceconf module to be the same as Apache's DocumentRoot.
  • You may wish to copy the "Documentation alias" section from spyceApache.conf. This will allow you to access the spyce documentation and examples from http://localhost/spyce/, so you can test your install by browsing to http://localhost/spyce/examples/hello.spy.

Prev: 3.10.6 - Notes on RPM installation Up: 3.10 - Installation Next: 3.10.8 - Starting your first project

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